Grandfather Clock Gets A Facelift

Back story:

I’ve come across so many furniture pieces lately that I’ve wanted to repair and refinish, but can never make it happen seeing as I rarely have a way of picking these large items up.

It’s been downright heartbreaking at times, especially over the ones that I know could be of great use to us. So naturally, I was pouring my heart out to God last night over how disappointing this has been, for so many reasons.

Not only are these items needed, but I’m also a big believer that everyone deserves to have an outlet in life - something that they genuinely love + enjoy doing, something that breaks up the everyday demands of life. Creative outlets are *so one of mine and outlets have definitely been in short supply these past months.

Fast forward to this morning. It started out as any other day, even though the sadness was still somewhat hanging over my head. (Real talk)

I loaded up the boys and backed out of our driveway, heading on our way. We hadn’t even made it fully down our street before I spotted him. There he was. I hit the brakes so quickly that little voices shouted WOAH MOM. WHAT IS IT??!

I can’t even tell you how long I’ve wanted to find a Grandfather Clock that I could get my hands on. It wasn’t even on my list of necessities, but marked as an absolute wish. I jumped out of the car so quickly and made sure that he was mine for the taking, and then CARRIED him all the way back home. It wasn’t easy. But maaaan was I beaming the entire way.

So let me tell you. God cares about what *you care about. He fulfills the desires of your heart. It’s so true. When He says seek Me first.. trust Me first.. I’ll add all of these things to you - He means it.

If he cares about a little bird that falls out of its nest, how much more does He care for you, for the things that matter to you, or for me?

So whatever it is that you’re believing for - no matter how big or how small, no matter how disappointing or discouraging things may seem at the moment or have been for some time.. your grandfather clock moment is coming. Believe it.


From The Inside Out